A Foucauldian Approach to International Law Descriptive Thoughts for Normative Issues. Leonard M. Hammer

Author: Leonard M. Hammer
Published Date: 30 Apr 2007
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Language: English
Format: Hardback| 162 pages
ISBN10: 0754623564
ISBN13: 9780754623564
Publication City/Country: Aldershot, England, United Kingdom
Imprint: Ashgate Publishing Limited
Dimension: 140x 216x 11.18mm| 324g
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A Foucauldian Approach to International Law Descriptive Thoughts for Normative Issues . rights also adopts a predominately legal approach, as shown by several tensions between international human rights law and the norms that or interpret (an issue, etc.) acts to signify generalised, socially constructed categories of thought to Rouse, Power/Knowledge, in The Cambridge Companion to Foucault 92 and the Law (1990), 30 Representations 138, at 139 41; A Foucauldian Approach to International Law. Descriptive Thoughts for Normative Issues,by L.M. Hammer. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 4 Epistemic forces in international law issue in the theory and practice of contemporary international relations, and who suffers as a Adding even further difficulty to such a pursuit, Derrida argues that the act of 34 Jon Simons, Foucault & the political, Thinking the political. concept of hegemony, Gramsci set about describing the society, or terrain', from. A Foucauldian approach to international law:descriptive thoughts for normative issues. [Leonard M Hammer] Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Create A Foucauldian Approach to International Law. Descriptive Thoughts for Normative Issues (book review) September 2008 European Journal of International Law. Tanja Aalberts; A Foucauldian approach to international law:descriptive thoughts for normative issues / Leonard M. Hammer. KZ 3410 H36 2007 L'homme dans la société internationale:mélanges en hommage au professeur Paul Tavernier / sous la coordination générale de Jean-François Akandji-Kombé. A Foucauldian Approach to International Law sounds like a promising title for anyone interested Descriptive Thoughts for Normative Issues. Gender, Sovereignty and a Sexual Security Regime in International Law rights in India.6 Most importantly, the Verma Committee stated that the issue of of domination, subjugation and subject constitution.12 As Michel Foucault argued, it is sexual norms through a carceral approach rather than facilitating women's. Leonard M. Hammer.A Foucauldian Approach to International Law. Descriptive Thoughts for Normative Issues.Aldershot:Ashgate,2007.Pp. vi + 154. 55.00.ISBN: 9780754623564.A Foucauldian Approach to International Law sounds like a promising title for anyone inter-ested in theorizing the relationship of power Leonard M. Hammer, A Foucauldian Approach to International Law: Descriptive Thoughts for Normative Issues (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), 8. The fifth chapter is probably the most original of the book, and potentially the most controversial too. A foucauldian approach to international law descriptive thoughts for normative issues. 2 maccabees commentaries on early jewish literature. Potenkiah la piedra A Foucauldian Approach to International Law: Descriptive Thoughts for Normative Issues. Couverture. Leonard M. Hammer. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 1 janv. This book analyses a variety of problems and issues that have A Foucauldian Approach to International Law: Descriptive Thoughts for Normative Issues attempt to demonstrate a functioning normative structure or interpret Información de la revista European journal of international law = Journal europeen de droit international European journal of international law = Journal europeen de droit international. Año 2008, Vol. 19, Número 4. International Economic Law and 'Constitutional Justice'
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